… but I love carbs.

Keto, Uncategorized

In exactly two and half days on February 1st, I’ll be starting a new “lifestyle” journey.

I’m going Keto. dun. dun. dun.

I typed that statement twice and immediately deleted it with the thought, “Maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll fail. Maybe I could go a different direction.” I  kept it there because I NEED to hold myself accountable.  I’m making this decision because I want to be healthy, I have the desire to change my body, become more confident, and to finally take control of my food intake and its relation to my feelings and mental state. I’m almost 30 and although I’ve loved my twenties and indulgent tendencies (3 Duck Donuts in one sitting), I’m over it. I want new and exciting and HEALTHAYYYY. I’d also like to be able to wear a cropped t-shirt around my house without gagging as I pass the bathroom mirror.

I know that there are some people who believe in the cut and dry, don’t plan things out. Just do it. Start now type of lifestyle change. However, I AM a planner. I feel more confident in my ability to follow through things when I thoroughly prepare myself emotionally, physically, and logically.  I have to map things out so I can wake up on the morning of this new plan and know that I’m ready. I commend anyone who doesn’t have to do that; who can just make up their minds and succeed.

I thought it would be cool to start a blog to track my journey, express how I’m feeling along the way and also share all kinds of things on my heart throughout this process. I hope it truly does become more than just a “diet” but a way of life. I know I can do it, it’s putting it into action and at this stage in my life I have to prove to myself I CAN.

I’ve researched, continue to research and follow blogs and Instagrammers who are KETO.  I’m absolutely loving the inspiration I’ve already gotten from these people. I bought a small notebook to log recipes, grocery lists, and other important tracking information. I’m currently planning my first grocery shopping trip and below are the things I plan to buy for my first week (along with future necessities)…


  1. Spiralizer
  2. Slicer
  3. Food processor


  1. Chicken tenderloins
  2. ground chicken
  3. pepperoni
  4. tuna pouches
  5. shrimp

Cheese/Dairy/Milk and Liquid:

  1. Cheddar (shredded)
  2. String Cheese/cheese sticks
  3. parmesan (shredded)
  4. Slices Pepper Jack
  5. heavy whipping cream
  6. full fat cream
  7. eggs
  8. almond milk/cashew
  9. Broth

Veggies and Fruits:

  1. Asparagus
  2. Spinach
  3. Bell peppers
  4. broccoli and cauliflower (mixed bag)
  5. mushrooms (fresh baby bella)
  6. Pickles (spears)
  7. cucumbers
  8. zucchini
  9. black olives (snack cups)
  10. raspberries
  11. grapes
  12. pineapple


  1. real bacon bits
  2. cajun spice
  3. salt
  4. hot sauce
  5. onion powder
  6. paprika
  7. soy sauce
  8. worcestershire
  9. sugar free ketchup
  10. italian

Baking/Cooking Items and NUTS:

  1. Butter (REAL)
  2. coconut oil
  3. stevia drops (erythritol)
  4. dark chocolate
  5. almond flour
  6. cocoa powder
  7. coconut flakes
  8. walnuts
  9. almonds
  10. planters heart health can
  11. nut butter (almond or cashew)

It seems like such a large list but I’m trying to remember that I’m starting from SCRATCH so a lot of these items will be used for weeks before having to purchase again. I’m excited to TRULY start fresh. I’ve already moved things around in my kitchen and thrown away some of the “good but no so good for you” stuff.

Here are some things I’m nervous about:

Doing it right. Figuring out Keto, how my body adjusts, and making sure macros and all of that stuff line up. I also worry that I will not be able to keep up with MCT oil, brain brew, and all of the other protein things that need to be ADDED to my routine due to low carb intake.

Plateau (ing).  Getting to a point, I’m stuck.

Money. Being able to afford the healthier, fresher food items each week. I only get paid once a month so this will be a challenge.

Cooking. I love to cook HOWEVER I do not love to cook on weeknights after work and track practice and I’m tired and just wanna put ramen on the oven while I shower. This will definitely be one of the hardest adjustments. I also worry about enjoying leftovers and prepped meals (I’m single so I always have leftovers). I don’t like the taste of reheated food so this will also be something I may struggle with.

Going out with friends. If anything, my friends are very supportive.  They know I’m making this change and are on board.  BUT… I do worry that seeing them enjoy their pizza and burgers with a bun will be mentally draining but I’m praying the health benefits and seeing my body change will outweigh (pun intended) the struggle. I also like to drink when I go out with girlfriends or I’m snowed in. Beer. Carby beer. I’ll have to stick to straight shots of tequila (HA) or budget in carbs for a couple of Mich Ultra’s with the girls. Hard to do, but doable.

Job related struggles. I work in and out of 10 schools, 3 or more schools a day and I find it hard AS IT IS to eat lunch let alone a healthy lunch.  I will have to make time to pack something or snack healthy and do dinner a bit differently.

Some of things I’m excited about…



BEING HEALTHY. I haven’t had a period in almost a year. My Vitamin D and iron have been extremely low for two years now.  I am tired and lethargic in the middle of the day and sometimes don’t want to do anything due to self-confidence (lack thereof) issues.

There are so many adjustments that will come later on and I know it will take a while to get into the swing of things, hopefully avoiding Keto flu with salt and water, and learning what I like to eat, what’s easy to cook, and how to make this lifestyle change PERMANENT. If anything, I’d love to be some sort of comedic hope for someone out there who’s beginning this journey themselves. Learn from me!

Starting weight: 230

Goal Weight 1: 220

Goal Weight 2: 210

Goal Weight 3: 200

Happy Weight: 195

Here’s to Caroline 3.0 (I’ll be 30 in a couple of years so I thought this deemed appropriate.).

Peace, love, and cauliflower. 
